Wednesday, 3 January 2024

Hiatus, kind of ...


Happy New Year everybody!

Since it's been really long since I posted anything I just wanted to drop a note.

I haven't given up on the Sims yet, but, as it seems, I am on a hiatus. Or should I say that I am on a recoloring/building hiatus? Because I do occasionally open my game to play a little. It just doesn't manifest itself to something shareable.

This winter I've had some stubborn health issues, so my capacity has been low. It's boring and very annoying, and sometimes painful, but at least it's not something really dangerous. Still, I'm struggling to find energy even for real life things, so there is not much left for simming.

I was able to have some tiny bit of progress in my story at least, but even that might be difficult the coming months, if I'm not feeling any better. I hope to be back with recolors and what-not in a few months, but until then; I'm still around, drooling over all the wonderful cc you make, and enjoying your lookbooks and stories. It's very inspiring! 💖

Love y'all!