Wednesday, 21 December 2022

The Early Civilization save


A save from Minoan civilization up to Ancient Greece, with my own builds and sims. It is Willow Creek - The Early Civilization version!

Update 31.03.23 (Last tested with game version 1.96.397.1020)

📌 FYI 29.01.25:  I've uploaded a new lot that would fit well in this save: Phylakopi House (no cc). It's not a part of the save (at least not atm) so you will have to download and place it yourself.

📌 FYI 20.03.24:  I've uploaded a new lot that would fit well in this save: Kastro Koiláda Chalkou. It's not a part of the save (at least not atm) so you will have to download and place it yourself.

📌 FYI 22.06.23:  I'm doing some clean ups for my Early Civilization lots, so at the moment there is a bit of a mismatch with the uploaded individual lots and the save. All the lots using the Pseira well (see msg 16/4-23 below) is now updated, and you can replace them manually if you like (download the lot and cc, and replace it in your save). I want to tweak some of the remaining lots, but I also have some problems with my game, so I can't promise when, but I will upload a new version of the save with the latest changes, as soon as I can.

📌 FYI 29.04.23:  There are some changes in the Agroktima Troizena lot that is not yet updated in the save file. I recommend that you download the new, updated lot and replace it in your save. 

💡 Tip: Make sure you check out the absolutely stunning dresses and other items from Clepysdra, that will look fantastic in this save.

📌 FYI 16.04.23:  Please be aware that if you have updated my Pseira well to the latest version, you will have to replace them on these lots: Agroktima Troizena, Manthos Palace, Pseira House, The Society of the Poet, Phókaia House, Efesos House, Kydonia House, Ippotrofeio Kyniska, Sáros House and Zákros Farm. I will update the files when I get time, but in the meanwhile you might want to replace them yourself, it should be quite easy. Pseira House, Nemea House and Roar and Grunt Vet might also give you a missing items message because of the updated Placeable Chickens and Efrosyni outfit (for the vet).

📌 Edit 31.03.23:  I have done a few changes and updated a new version.

  • I've talked with Jennisims and she has kindly given her permission, so her statues are now included in the save ccs (Part 2 file). Have a look at her Patreon, she has a lot of fun decor stuff and other things for free download.
  • I've updated the residential lot Agroktima Troizena with the Invisible animal shed by McRudd, and included it in the downloads (Part 2 file). 
  • I've replaced some of my CAS recolors to the updated versions (Efrosyni top and bottoms for adults and children). You might also want to download the Efrosyni Sandals and Slippers and the Efrosyni clothing for children, as they would give more diversity for children. (Part 3)
  • As for the Saudade bedding (mesh) mentioned below. I've decided to provide a batched version (direct download at SFS). Saudade's tumblr has no new posts since 2020, so it doesn't seem likely that they will update the file themselves. If they do, I will take down my link immediately.
  • I've removed most of the lots in the new Worlds (including San Sequoia from the Growing Together pack) Some are left in, since they might effect gameplay if deleted.
  • I was thinking that this save needed a few more sims/townies, so I've left some in San Sequoia. They are the ones that came with the Growing Together EP, but in my early civilization version. They don't have homes, but they seem to survive perfectly well anyway. If you don't want them, just delete them in "Manage households".
  • If you want to re-install/replace the file(s) you have, you just need to download Part 2 and 3, Part 1 is unchanged.
  • I hope you will enjoy it, and please let me know if there are any problems. 

💡 Tip: With the new pack (Growing Together) you are probably looking for some more fitting items for your little infant. I've made some recolors but there are also nice things here, here, here and here. And of course there will be others! (Come share them on my Discord if you like!)


📌 Edit 20.03.23: 

1) The link to the (not-included) Jennisims statues seems to be broken. I will check up on this, and do an update as soon as I can. 

2) Be aware that the Saudade bedding (not-included mesh) is an older mesh, and will need a batch fix in S4S

If you can't wait for updates or are unsure how to do the batch fix: please contact me.


Since I already shared the Stone Age Save, it feels natural to continue with The Early Civilization save. It's inspired by Greek Bronze Age, ie from Minoan times into early Ancient Greece. It is by no means historically correct, but hopefully the save will give you the vibe of these times. 


Click on photo for extended view



✅ What you get: An Early Civilization save built in Willow Creek. I've made 8 community lots, 16 residential lots and 6 sim households. There is also a few edited townies.

The worlds except Willow Creek are empty. Some townies will move in on empty residential lots, and they will survive perfectly fine on love and fresh air, don't worry!

If you want to see pictures from this save in use you can check out my story here. (Chapter five and onward - starting 25/12-22)

✅ Packs needed: Willow Creek is from Base Game, so in principle you don't need any other packs. However, I would say that you need Island Living, Get Together and Jungle Adventures as a minimum, since I've used items from those packs on almost every lot I've made. I've also used other packs, and if you don't have them, items from those packs will be removed or replaced with base game items, and that might look strange. If you feel you need more info on this, you can find it in each lot's blog post.

✅ CC used: I've included two folders with included items: CC for lots and CC for sims (split in three parts - see below). Some creators do not allow their creations to be included, so you have to do the download yourself. I've made two PDF-lists with creator and download links, one for lots and one for sims. 

✅ The save: I've given the save slot number 89. If you already have a save with that number, you will need to change the number to something else. If you are unfamiliar with how to do this, watch this video by Miss Mani.

✅ Mods: I honestly can't play without the fantastic Blowtorch mod by Simverses. it takes away 99% of modern items in your worlds. The first time you might find it a bit complicated to install (this video might be helpful), but I promise you, it's worth it! 

If you want to control what sims are wearing at work etc, Fashion Authority by Lot 51 is a great mod. 

I'm also totally addicted to MC Command Center, a very useful mod, like making it easier to change townies' outfits, control NPC spawning and a lot of other clever functions. There are also a wide range of overrides and helpful mods for historical players. If you need more info don't be shy, just contact me. 😊


💡 Just so you know, the lots and households will not show in your library, unless you save them there yourself, or download and install the trayfiles from my blog. 

💡 Suggestion: It's a good idea to backup your game before you install any downloaded save, just in case something goes haywire. As with all mods and cc you always download and install at your own risk.

💡 Should you want an unpopulated version, just evict the six families in Willow Creek and then go to the Manage households and delete everybody from there.

📌 Because of the large amount of CC, the download file was very big so I had to split it in three. Part 1 and 2 contains CC for Lots, Part 3 contains CC for Sims and all other necessary files. The save and CC will be about 500MB, so make sure you have space for it on your computer.

Step by step:

  1. Download the files below
  2. Download the not-included CC  
  3. Copy or move all .package files into your Mods folder
  4. Put the .save file in your Save folder
  5. Open your game
  6. Click the 'Load Game' button and find "KyriaT Early Civ Save" listed.
  7. Load, play and have fun!

Thanks to all the wonderful cc and mod creators for making the game interesting! 💕



🌟 Don't upload my work and claim it as your own.  
Please respect my TOU for my saves, lots, sims and CC.
Please respect the other creators' TOUs for their creations.

Please let me know if something is not working or if you have questions.




  1. Thank you so much for all your hard work!

  2. This is the HUGEST and most detailed save I've ever seen! Thanks so much for sharing your hard work :)

  3. Aww 💖 I feel a bit bad since I didn't update it for a long time, but thank you so much, I really appreciate your comment.
