Saturday, 5 February 2022

The Stone Age Save


A prehistoric save with my own builds and sims - Oasis Springs - The Stone Age version!

Save updated 27.03.2023

I've had the question several times if I could share the whole Prehistoric save, and to be honest I have been in doubt whether it would be a good idea or not. Partly because I've never shared a save before, but most of all because my use of CC makes it a bit complicated and time consuming. On the other hand, I love to learn new things, and these days I had nothing else to do, so here we go!


📌 Edit 27.03.23: I have done a few changes and updated a new version.

  • I've talked with Jennisims and she has kindly given her permission, so her animals are now included in the save. You should have a look at her Patreon, she has a lot of fun decor stuff and other things for free download.
  • I've included the two bonus lots in the save; The Reindeer Camp in Forgotten Hollow, and Barter Point in Willow Creek.
  • The CC for the two bonuses are added in the lists with included/not included CC.
  • I've removed most of the lots in the new Worlds (including San Sequoia from the Growing Together pack) However I've left some buildings in, because they might effect gameplay if deleted.
  • I hope you will enjoy it, and please let me know if there are any problems. 

💡 Tip: With the new pack (Growing Together) you are probably looking for some more fitting items for your little infant. I have a few recolors coming up, but there are also others: here, here and here.


📌 Edit 20.03.23: The link to the (not-included) Jennisims animals seems to be broken. I will check up on this, and do an update as soon as I can. If you can't wait: please contact me.

📌 Edit 20.07.22: Just FYI: Barter Point is not included in the save, but you can find it here.  

📌 Edit 14.07.22: Just FYI: The Reindeer Camp is not included in the save, but you can find it here.  

📌 Edit 25.06.22: The new version is here! 💃 There are no radical changes, just improvements. 

  • Updated to game version (Werewolf pack), including empty lots in all worlds except Oasis Springs
  • Some lots now have better routing/smoother gameplay. 
  • Some CC have been replaced with updated/better versions (changes are listed in the attached PDF). Make sure to remove old CC before you add the new versions! 
  • Some CC that caused problems and errors have been removed and replaced.
  • CAS items for townies/NPC's added to the PDF file for easier download
  • I hope you will enjoy it, and please let me know if something is not working!

📌 Edit 25.06.22: Before you download you should know that I am working on a new version of this save, hopefully to be finished within a week or so. Please consider to wait a few days to download.

📌 Edit 27.05.2022: A small warning: You should remove/not install the following cc

  • Crib Goodnight (invisible crib)  by Kiolometro/TSR
  • Natural Waterfall outdoor shower object by Slums

They might cause errors/exception reports, and it's better not to use them. You can replace the Crib Goodnight with this invisible crib by Severinka/TSR. As for the Natural Waterfall, the Animated - Small Waterfall Shower by Bakie or Into the Wild - Rocks by ATS are both good alternatives and already included.

 ðŸ“Œ Edit 24.02.2022: If you install My Wedding Stories the new world Tartosa will of course be populated with modern sims. If I buy the GP myself, I will update the files. At the moment you will need to delete the sims and buildings yourself.

✅ What you get: A prehistoric save built in Oasis Springs. I've made nine community lots, twelve residential lots and six sim households. (You can see the overview here.) There is also a considerable amount of edited townies. However, since I didn't plan to upload them when I remade them, I might have used CAS items (hairs and outfits) that is not on the CC list. (I am WCIF friendly by the way) If it looks bad, most of them can be deleted, but the game will probably spawn new ones with awful, modern outfits... 

The worlds except Oasis Springs are empty, with the exception of a few specific lots. Some townies will move in on empty residential lots, and they will survive perfectly fine on love and fresh air, don't worry!

If you want to see pictures from this save you can look here.

✅ Packs needed: Oasis Springs is BG, so in principle you don't need any other packs. However, I would say that you will need Outdoor Retreat, Island Living and Get Together as a minimum, since I've used items from those packs on almost every lot I've made. I've also used other packs, and if you don't have them, items from those packs will be removed or replaced with basegame itemes, and that might look strange. If you feel you need more info on this, you can find it in each lot's blog post. (Links overview here)

✅ CC used: I've included two folders with included items: CC for lots and CC for items. Some creators do not allow their creations to be included, so you have to do the download yourself. I've made lists (for lots and sims) with creations and download links. 

✅ The save: I've given the save slot number 88. If you already have a save with that number, you will need to change the number to something else. If you are unfamiliar with how to do this, watch this video by Miss Mani.

✅ Mods: I recommended the Timeless - A world decluttering mod  by Pandora, it reduses the amount of modern items in your worlds. I also use Ceiling replacer by Lunanelfeah, if you don't, the ceilings will be white. I'm also totally addicted to MC Command Center, a very useful mod, like making it easier to change townies' outfits, control NPC spawning and a lot of other clever functions.

💡 Just so you know, the lots and households will not show in your library, unless you save them there yourself, or download and install the trayfiles from my blog. 

💡 Suggestion: It's a good idea to backup your game before you install any downloaded save, just in case something goes haywire. As with all mods and cc you always download and install at your own risk.

💡 Should you want a unpopulated version, just evict the six families in Oasis Springs and then go to the Manage households and delete everybody.

📌 The download file is big (165MB) - after all it contains most of the CC for 21 lots and 6 families - and will take some time to download if you have a slow connection.

Step by step:

  1. Download the file below
  2. Download the not-included CC  
  3. Copy or move all .package files into your Mods folder
  4. Put the .save file in your Save folder
  5. Open your game
  6. Click the 'Load Game' button and find "KyriaT's Stone Age Save" listed.
  7. Load, play and have fun!


Thanks to all the wonderful cc and mod creators for making the game interesting! 💕


🌟 Don't upload my work and claim it as your own.  
Please respect my TOU for my saves, lots, sims and CC.
Please respect the other creators' TOUs for their creations.

Please let me know if something is not working or if you have questions.




  1. Hi! I LOVE this save, I'm starting my History Challenge with it. However, when downloading the CC, I came across a small issue: the Cave Recolors of Simply King Vieira Back Bone Dress require a mesh by simpy-king. However, that mesh is no longer availible. Just though you might want to know.

    Also have you considered turning this into an Historical save, with each world based on an era?

    Anyway, great job!!! And thank you so much for your detailed CC lists, they do help a lot

  2. Hello Briar, thank you so much for your feedback and nice comments. It's really nice to know that my hard work has been useful to someone! 😉

    If you had problems downloading the Simply King-mesh it might have been temporary, because I tried just now and the link was working for me? ( If you still have problems, send me your contact info, and I will see what I can do to help.

    You must be a mind reader, because I have in fact been thinking about a Historical save. BUT. I don't want Victorian dressed customers visiting my Stone Age bar, so I think a "single" version would be more playable. But I might do both! Early Civ is built in Willow Creek btw.

    1. Hi! Thanks for answering!

      For the simply king mesh, maybe is a bug or a mistake in the PDF. It takes me to the recolors download and there is a link to the mesh and that link goes to what seems to be a website ( but it quickly redirects to something my antivirus blocks.

      The blogspot link you provided (which I was unable to find, since I tried googling the dress myself) was also flagged by my antivirus, but I managed to download the mesh. Thank you for providing that link!

      You have talent for historical builds (and your CC lists are so nice and quick-and-easy to use), please do as many eras as possible! It's quite hard to find lots from pre-history to mid-ages (that are not huge castles). I might be a lot of work, but maybe separated saves and a combined one? There are mods that keep sims in their home regions that might help reducing the non-era-appropiate sims.

      You could also make a huge post with all the tray files, CC links not included in download and recomendation on where to put the lots.

      Just some ideas, please do as you feel would be best. I'm getting as many of your lots as I can!

    2. Hello again, I think I know what happened now. The link to the mesh from Big Ugly Hag site takes you to some kind of ad*fly/bs thingy. To everybody: DON'T USE THAT LINK!! Use the link provided in my list under 'not included' items (the same as mentioned in the earlier comment). Thanks for drawing my attention to this, I will update the PDF so people are warned.

      I really like your ideas and might take you up on this when I'm getting to that point. I really enjoy making these saves (for myself and for others), but the thing is that I really enjoy writing stories, and do recolor and just playing as well. Also I like to take my time on my builds and stuff, so there is not a enough time! I'm a very slow uploader, but I will get there!

    3. Your work is so good I'm sure the wait will be worthy. Meanwhile, I'll play with your Stone Age and Early Civ :)

      Glad you liked my ideas! If you ever want to talk and discuss more ideas for families and lots or get feedback or testing, don't hesitate to contact me, I've just joined your discord (my name there is MyrStarknnister)

    4. Thank you so much for those sweet comments! I'm blushing now... See you on Discord!
